Sustainable Development Goals

In the Orana Group, we have been actively working on the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) since 2016. CSR, Sustainability and SDGs are management-driven in the Orana Group as we – as a company – want to ensure that our company is contributing to a sustainable future for everyone. Our goal is to minimize our footprint and ultimately to have a neutral footprint in the world.

As a global company, we are working with a shared set of values and principles for good and ethical business conduct. We see the SDGs as a business driver to support our vision to be a sustainable value-based company and at the same time creating value to the company.


The following 3 SDGs are the prioritized SDGs the Orana Group is working on:

Goal 8

At all production sites around the world, Orana is providing employment and decent work for its staff irrespective of nationality, gender and religion. The Orana Group has policies implemented for forced labor, child labor, wages, benefits, working hours, freedom of association and non-discrimination. We also encourage our staff to participate in or form a labor union so that all staff are able to communicate openly and are able to negotiate collectively. These establishments support economic growth through the purchase of raw materials and services locally.

Goal 5

In the Orana Group, we are working specifically to create good working conditions and offer opportunities for all of our staff including our many female employees. We have further implemented measures allowing our staff to achieve a work life balance, hereby ensuring that female employees will stay with Orana also after getting married and having children.

Goal 12

Orana is promoting better food quality and food safety and has a strong focus on resource and energy efficiency via continuous improvement on energy consumption per produced ton and via the safe handling, recycling and management of waste and wastewater discharges. Our target is to reduce the non-renewable energy consumption (electricity, water and oil) by 50% per unit produced in 2030 compared to what we used in 2018.
All 3 SDGs are in line with the historical values ​​and beliefs of Orana as we believe that by offering decent working conditions, securing equality, and by promoting responsible consumption and production can ensure happy, loyal and well trained staff and a continuous focus on resource and energy efficiency which will result in higher productivity and ultimately a higher profit.

We are working on new production facilities abroad, where we besides focusing on goal 8, 5 and 12 also focus on:

Goal 1

Goal 2

Goal 17

You can hear more about our plans in the video below.


Do not hesitate to contact us with your orders and questions or for any kind of support.


Fruit based raw materials for beverages, dairy products and bakery products.
Co-packing of your product.


Find the Orana office or production site closest to you.